"Walking Chameleon: It is a domestic animal of a small boy."
A snorkeling excursion during a trip to the Great Barrier
Reef, Australia
"A Rare Reflection: Returning from a snorkeling excursion during a trip to the Great Barrier Reef, wind speed dropped to zero and the ocean became a mirror. As the horizon disappeared, only the seaplane, sitting confidently between the blue elements, provided a sense of space and felt like a link to the rest of the world."
Fishing in UAE
"A special technique used for fishing in UAE, Fujairah called 'Dhagwa'. the net consist of two parts : red part where fishes are trying to escape and an open part near the coast which they collect the fishes, the white dots are birds waiting to collect some fishes."
Tormenta en el Caulle, Chile
Tormenta en el Caulle, Chile
"Tormenta en el Caulle: El dia 04 de Junio del 2011 comenzÛ la ErupciÛn del Cordon Caulle, ubicado en la Region de Los Rios en Chile. Una erupciÛn que duro aproximadamente 12 meses donde los pobladores y animales debieron acostumbrarse a convivir con la caÌda diaria de cenizas, las cuales tambiÈn provocaron problemas en el trafico aÈreo de la zona sur de America. Los primeros dÌas de la ErupciÛn se pudo apreciar desde cientos de kilÛmetros a la redonda explosiones y tormentas elÈctricas provenientes de la expulsiÛn de lava. Esta fotografÌa fue tomada la segunda noche de ErupciÛn desde la localidad de Lago Ranco."
Temple At The Foot of Mount Bromo, Java, Indonesia
Temple At The Foot of Mount Bromo, Java, Indonesia
"Temple At The Foot of Mount Bromo: At the foot of the active Volcano Bromo on the Island of Java lies the Hindu Temple Pura Luhur Poten which is often immersed in a soft mist at dusk. On this day Mount Bromo showed unusually strong activity, which lead to a exceptionally high and dense dust cloud."
Swimming with jellyfish in Palau
Swimming with jellyfish in Palau
"Swim with Jelly Fish: It's like a dream when u swimming with harmless jellyfish..."
Shadows And Light: A lone tree in the Palouse region of
Shadows And Light: A lone tree in the Palouse region of
"Shadows and Light: A lone tree in the Palouse region of Washington glows brilliantly in the sunlight as clouds pass by, isolating it in a band of light. Undulating hills provide depth to the lit scene, captured during the brief growing season where the wheat is a rich shade of green."
A reflection in the Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi
A reflection in the Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi
"SHEIKH ZAYED MOSQUE: A reflection of the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in the basin of the fountain opposite the mosque where the main dome of the mosque appears."
Passengers make their way through rush-hour traffic in one
Passengers make their way through rush-hour traffic in one
of Dhaka's public buses
"Men on Buses, Dhaka: Passengers make their way through rush-hour traffic in one of Dhaka's public buses."
A sunset at the skydeck of the Willis Tower in Chicago,
A sunset at the skydeck of the Willis Tower in Chicago,
"If Only I Could Fly: Spontaneous moment captured contemplating a beautiful and colorful sunset with all city lights down below."
A Young monk in Mandalay, Myanmar
A Young monk in Mandalay, Myanmar
"Flying Monk: Young monks begin their service very early in life in their studies in the monastery. This monk was young and energetic and decided to "fly" in his exuberance for life."
A fly lands on the head of a vine snake in the Choco of
"Fly Cap For A Vine Snake: A fly lands on the head of a vine snake in the Choco of Colombia."
Religious procession in Cadiz, Spain
Religious procession in Cadiz, Spain
"Ave Maria: Religious procession in Cadiz"
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